Monday, June 23, 2008

Financial freedom bashor

Financial Freedom-Bashor Alert!

A major red flag is being sent out to those considering to join the program entitled Financial Freedom by Dana Basher. This program has been declared a bona fide scam by more than one source.

So far the Financial Freedom Bashor scam has been reported by media such as WTAE TV in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Fox 11 (via Internet correspondent), and Talk He was also reported by San Diego News in California.

Reporters and individuals everywhere are being advised to Google Dana Bashor' to learn for themselves. They do not want others to be "duped" as they were.

The Financial Freedom Basher scam is becoming more and more publicized as days go on. If you are wondering why you should be concerned just read the next few paragraphs.

It The Financial Freedom scam by Bashor seems legitimate at first site-just love love. However, just like love you can find out differently.

Bashor presents his business opportunity as one that utilizes "automated machines". However, when most people think of "automated machines" they do not think of vending machines. Rather, they think of online businesses run by computer, or they think of a business being run with up-to-date point of sale technology.

It's not that the concept of vending machine sales in itself is a scam. Otherwise, there would be no vending machines in operation right now. However, Dana Bashor's way of misleading people into signing on with him have proven to be far less than honest.

Bashor currently has paid a million-dollar settlement to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) after being charged for misrepresentation. He also has had a reputation of a fly-by-night scam artist, having already operating under at least two other business names.

The previous names that Bashor used are 'Antares' 'Planet Antare' and 'Natural Choice' before moving on to deceive people via his new 'Financial Freedom venture. All potential participants of the Financial Freedom by Bashor opportunity are strongly urged not to give this man their personal information.

If anyone receives an e-mail from Dana Bashor or any one of his related companies do not reply to it. Instead, remove this man from your allowed e-mail contacts list and report any future mailings as spam.

One other concern about Dana Bashor needs to be addressed as well. As recent as a month ago, it has been brought to the public's attention that Bashor has also been using fake testimonials in his operation. (The easiest way to tell is if the testimonials include photos or videos or not.)

If you have already been scammed, you can learn ways to take action. Furthermore, you can also learn how to prevent from being scammed again in the future.

Sites where you can learn more about the reputations of business include the following: The Federal Trade Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the and Better Business Bureau websites.

You can also find additional information at consumer sites. These include places such as Pissed,, and others.

Another form of future prevention is to make sure you can identify the site in some way before you join, if signing up online. Notice if the site has been verified by way of the SSL technology and also make sure the site is verified with some type of seal.

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