I've often wondered why so many Christians were having a hard time financially. They claimed to know God and always expressed that He was their father, but too many were having a hard time keeping up with their mortgage, car payments, and etc. It never occurred to me that the teachings they were getting from church was only half of what they should've been taught until I discovered this financial cash flow guide created by Terry and Julie Dean.
This Christian steps to financial freedom guide explains everything you need to know about getting out of debt God's way, and the reason why most Christians are struggling is because they continue to use this world's methods to eliminate their debt instead of God's way.
When you are a Christian there are certain ways you need to conduct your life. The scripture teaches that this world is not our home; we are pilgrims/strangers here. So there is the world way on doing things, and there is God's way of doing things. We need to stay in tune to God's instructions if we intend to follow Him; and the way to do that is through the Bible ... "basic instructions before leaving earth."
HINT: In most churches you only hear part of the story. You hear about giving, but you don't hear about the other elements that are essential to receive God's blessings on your finances.
What we really need is wisdom. When you receive wisdom it brings wealth with it. The way to get this wisdom is from God himself. All you need to do is simply ask. But that is only if you think you lack wisdom because some people think that they already have it all together, so they don't need God.
This wisdom is not some magic pill. The scriptures says that whatsoever you do shall prosper. Don't expect for something to just appear at your front door. You need to give God something to work with. Perhaps He will give you an idea or plan for your business. Remember that knowledge + understanding = wisdom. But most importantly you need to know what to do daily to walk in God's will for your life.
TIP: You need practical answers...and proven easy-to-follow methods you, as a regular believer, can use to receive financial freedom in your life.
This financial cash flow course will fill in all the blanks left out from sermons about achieving financial freedom for Christians. Here's just a taste of what you'll experience...
1- Step-By-Step Plan to Eliminate Your Debts and Save for Retirement.
2- Why Christian's finances are often much worse off than those in the world.
3- How to recover financially and emotionally from disasters such as bankruptcy and divorce.
4- Find out if tithing is for today...and how it relates to God's plan for you to get out of debt and step into total financial freedom.
5- How anyone can control their spending...even if they're currently a chronic shopaholic.
These are only part of what you will learn from this Christian steps to financial freedom course. You will be amazed at what you will learn and able to put into practice right away. So what are you waiting for! This is also a 100 percent no risk-no hassle opportunity. Take back control of your life. Click Here!